hmm...while coming in da shuttle today, was browsing da music collection in my ipod, and realized that i still haven't listened to even 1% of the new music i downloaded when i was in US 'n so the idea came about as why not listen to a new album each day on my way to 'n fro from work 'n with that the idea to blog what i listened, for records 'n may be do a short review also on rare occasions...
Starting it off is
Focus III by
Focus, which i listened to on my way back. Its the first album(as such) of Focus i was listening, before this i had listened to only live version of 'Hocus Pocus' song a lot of times. If you are into prog rock, then you must give this a try...Myself liked all the songs, prob "Answers? Questions! Questions? Answers!" and "Love Remembered" stands at top of list, 'n followed by "Focus III" 'n "Sylvia(which btw is one of their most popular ones, wiki says it reached #4 in UK charts)"...
Neways i think i will start putting in album cover fill up space... :D